Latest news
| Shrews may hand chance to McClen - 06/03/2006 The BBC report on Jamie's deal with Shrewsbury - winning a place on the bench after securing a contract during his recent trial. More |
| Glad to play football - 05/08/2005 News from Carlisle after Jamie accepts a six month contract at Brunton Park. More |
| Jamie McClen: A statement - 25/05/2005 After being associated with Newcastle United as a player for over sixteen years, it's very disappointing to be leaving the club. I was a supporter before I was a player and now that I'm moving on, I'll still be a supporter. Newcastle is my city and Newcastle United will always be my team. More |
| Vale keen to take McClen - 26/11/2004 Miles Starforth of the Newcastle Evening Chronicle reports on Port Vale's effort to take Jamie to the Potteries club. More |
| Thinking about next year - 13/05/2004 Jamie, with the season not yet complete, is already planning for next season and intends to sacrifice a summer break in order to come back in the best possible shape. More |
Corporate hospitality for Newcastle United Premiership games
John Beresford announces a corporate hospitality facility to entertain up to eight people during every home Newcastle United Premiership fixture. For further details please click on the link... [More]